Starting January 6th Film Academy Troupe our series of classes for young people who are serious about learning the ins and outs of film/video production, from acting to writing, to editing to directing to producing - we do it all here!
Students meet twice a week, one weekday evening and one weekend day, to create various projects including, but not limited to: music videos; how-to videos; personal statements; documentaries; mockumentaries; and short films.
Students also have the opportunity to attend various events like film festivals and on-location shoots!
FILM ACADEMY TROUPE also teaches students how to operate digital cameras; how to edit on Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premier; how to act in front of the camera; how to direct; and more! REEL KIDS spares no expense to bring the most stae-of-the-art equipment and software to its community of students!
MANY of our TROUPE students have parlayed their enriching and fulfilling film experience ithrough these classes into promising careers at various film schools in around the country!
FILM ACADEMY TROUPE is traditionally a nine-month program, re-registering in January for the second semester with a VERY cost-friendly tuition of only $350/month!
Thursdays, 4:30-6pm / Sundays, 11am-1:30pm
Troupe I is our introduction set of film classes for beginning filmmakers! Students receive hands-on instruction and guidance on the basic principles of camera and tripod use, film terms, basic editing functions, all while having a blast creating their own projects!
Typically, this is the gateway to the next two sets of classes, that build on all of the information and instruction kids find here!
Wednesdays, 7:30pm-9pm / Saturdays 3pm-5:30pm
Here is where it all comes together for your now very educated and experienced creator of all things film! Projects continue but they become even more intensive, and by allowing students to take even more ownership of their work, they are able to build on and cement the knowledge gained in TROUPE I and TROUPE II. Collaborating event more with their fellow film classmates, students hone their skills and their craft as they continue bonding with their friends and finding their niche with whatever aspect of film they have become most drawn to! Many of TROUPE III students will enter their work in film festivals and gain exposure through other means as well to showcase their abilities and skills in a supportive and inclusive community of fellow artists!
Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm / Saturdays, 12:30-3pm
Ok - so now your aspiring filmmakers have learned the basics, and have several film/video projects under their belt. Now theyr ae ready to take their craft to the next level! In TROUPE II, they begin exploring more possibilities of what they can do with film and video: how to express themselves more fully as an artist and as a human being. This is their chance to shine, and prepare for the great leap into high school (and, hopefully, TROUPE III)!. By the end of this year, your child will be be a seasoned young filmmaker unafraid and more than able to hold their own with high schoolers.